About Us

We are a small family run business located along the White Cliffs of Dover. We own and manage the holiday park in Capel-le-Ferne, with sea views and coastal walks. We understand today’s frenetic pace of life and we have created a space for over 50’s to have a somewhere they can relax, start new activities and become part of our community.


Get started

We will work with you to find a home that is best suited for you and your individual needs. Contact us today to find your new home or step into our office and meet our team to get started.

Frequently asked questions.

Are you a residential or holiday site?

Here at White Cliffs Parks we are only holiday with no residential use permitted.

As a holiday site, how much of the year are you open?

We are open 11 months of the year and close for the month of January.

Is it only over 50’s?

Yes. We do our upmost in many aspects to keep a peaceful and relaxing community. In doing so this also includes a no pet policy to help retain our wonderful wildlife in the area.

Why should I choose White Cliffs Parks?

Everyone who joins our community here does so for a different reason. Most commonly it is to be closer to family and friends in the area, or to downsize and do the things they have wanted to do for a long time - such as buying a car or traveling.

Do you accept tourers and camping?

We do not currently have a campsite.